Strategies towards an inclusive school
Document for trainers
The Service of Education proposes to the teachers of the Formation Planning of the Area, that should take in their specific classes, workshops, speeches...aspects and parameters of educational inclusion. In this way, it came the idea of creating a criterion orientation for the teachers as a propose of support for the thinking and planning of shares they use in the activities of teachers formation to take care of all kinds of students that they can find in class.
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GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA. DEPARTAMENT D’EDUCACIÓ. Decret 142/2007, de 26 de juny, pel qual s’estableix l’ordenació dels ensenyaments de l’Educació Primària
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STAINBACK,S; STAINBACK,W. (2004). Aulas inclusivas. Un nuevo modo de enfocar y vivir el currículo. Madrid: Narcea.
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