Bullying, a secret, hidden drama
Bullying, Harassment among equals, coexistence in school, adolescence, family-schoolAbstract
This article focuses on the reflection related to the subjective and relational origin of bullying among peers, seeking to find reasons that help identify why and when it occurs. Its purpose is to understand Bullying more thoroughly in order to deal with it and fight against it head on, reducing in the most effective way the suffering it generates. This article is based on the need to discover bullying as soon as possible, differentiating it from other types of violence between equals. It also describes the key aspects of the relational dynamic that surrounds it, highlighting the importance of being aware of the role of the agents involved, thus allowing swift intervention, both in prevention and when dealing with a situation of active harassment. Further aspects to address peer harassment, such as collaboration between families and educational centres, are also underlined. In addition, there are multiple references offering orientation and specific resources useful for families and educational centers.
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