The teaching staff in situations of student agitation with TMG. Exploratory study


  • Óscar Puigardeu Aramendia CRETDIC Bcn- City. Barcelona Education Consortium



Agitation crisis, Mental disorder, Special Education, Restraint, School violence


The increased violence situations in the schools have become one of the most pressing concerns in the educational field. The Special Education Schools where the attending students have a Severe Mental Disorder Diagnosis has to deal with difficult-to-reach behavioral and emotional child restraint situations. The goal of the following paper is to provide and approximation to the teacher/staff experience and the educational responses during behavioral restraints. We have developed a questionnaire for teachers and have it answered in three different schools in Barcelona. The schools are equipped with classrooms for students with severe mental disorder and students with special needs. The teachers answer claims to have a lower knowledge about the applied protocols. The study concludes that the teachers are more at risk to suffer psychological injuries and symptomatology after facing situations of child restraint commonly. There is also emphasized that the teachers have low skills and poor training on how to perform the behavioral restraint. Otherwise the results showed a high level of teacher satisfaction with their fellow workers but nevertheless lower levels of satisfaction with the given support from the educational administrations.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling