Notes for a consensual document on the prevention and intervention in situations of agitation crisis in educational centers


  • Oscar Puigardeu Aramendia Generalitat de Catalunya


Containment, Behavioral Disorders, Special Educational Needs, Agitation Crisis


The CRETDIC Barcelona city, from your experience, has detected the concern of teachers and educational institutions in general, about the problems generated for intervention and management in agitation crisis that may suffer some students with especial needs arising from TEA, CT or other mental disorders. These situations, although very extraordinary, generate significant anxiety in educational institutions. We propose the elaboration of a consensus document that would guide, and allow the centers to make informed, rapid, safe, effective and ethical decisions in the face of crisis situations of agitation, once their proposals are contextualized in the educational context of each center. In the present article we present some proposals that can be used to guide the intervention and assist students in crisis situations of agitation in the school. We will review those situations that require verbal, physical restraint or that may require the intervention of medical emergency services all with the intention of contributing elements to the reflection of teachers.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling