Develop support for inclusion within the classroom with cooperative learning teams


  • Mercè Juan Millera Barrier Cooperative Learning Group - Khelidon
  • José Ramón Lago Martínez UVic Diversity Research Group
  • Jesús Soldevila Pérez UVic Diversity Research Group



Inclusion, Barriers to learning and participation, Cooperative learning


This paper describes how students on cooperative learning teams can help overcome barriers to participation and learning that some peers face at risk of exclusion. During two courses eleven centers that systematically apply the strategy Cooperate to Learn / Learn to Cooperate of cooperative learning and with which we have jointly designed some practices based on criteria of adaptation of some dynamics and cooperative structures and methodologies of team support, applied to different types of tasks. The planning and joint reflection on the practice has provided us with some keys to improvement by supporting cooperative learning teams and has driven a proposal for mutual observation to advance shared teaching.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling