Cooperative inquiry processes in schools: evaluations of some experiences


  • Eva Liesa Associate Professor at the Ramon Llull University. Coordinator of the Psychopedagogical Innovation and Counseling Service of FPCEE Blanquerna. Coordinator of the Diploma of Expert in Innovative Methodologies at school. Researcher at the Interuniversity Seminar on Teaching and Learning Strategies (SINTE)
  • Paula Mayoral Contracted Professor at Ramon Llull University. Advises on processes of educational innovation, cooperative learning and attention to diversity. Researcher at the Interuniversity Seminar on Teaching and Learning Strategies (SINTE)



Educational inquiry, Professional educational community, Spiry of inquiry, Educational change


This article shows the analysis of the difficulties and learning that twelve teachers have revealed throughout the design, implementation and evaluation of a cycle of educational improvement implemented in their school. Fist of all some of the previous difficulties are shown before starting the inquiry process, for example: making sure that they had correctly understood the phases of the inquiry spiral, assessing how they could transmit this information to school colleagues and create a community inquiry. Second, we explain the difficulties that appear throughout the six phases of the inquiry spiral. The practice implementation phase and the assessment phase were the most complex for the teachers. Third, we provide some of the aids, supports or actions that have made it easier to overcome difficulties. Finally, we collect the most significant learning that teachers consider to have developed throughout the process: knowledge about the inquiry process and some of its related competences, a new look around the school, its educational agents and the learning of the children.


Kaser, L. & Halbert, J. (2017). The Spiral Playbook: Leading with an inquiring mindset in school systems and schools. C21 Canada. Disponible a:

Liesa, E., Castelló, M.& Becerril, L. (2018). Nueva escuela ¿Nuevos aprendizajes?Revista de Estudios y Experiencias en Educación (REXE), 2, 15-29.

Liesa, E.& Mayoral, P. (2019). Pot haver-hi innovació sense recerca? Una proposta des de les comunitats d’indagació. Àmbits de Psicopedagogia i Orientació, 50, 59-72.





Professional practice