Autolytic behaviour in the school environment

Tools for prevention, detection and intervention


  • Oscar Puigardeu CRETDIC-BCN ciutat
  • Juan Carlos Barroso Technician and Coordinator of the CEB psychosocial emergency group
  • Josep Amorós CRETDIC-BCN ciutat



Self-harm, Suicide, Suicide prevention, Suicide risk, Mental health


Self-harm behaviours and suicide are a public health problem (WHO, 2014) which in turn is alarming and worrying especially when it happens amongst infants and adolescents. This reality and the concern it generates are not alienated to the school environments. There are many questions, concerns and fears that this reality generates amongst teachers. We present a proposal to approach these autolytic behaviours in the school environment as a result of a work of observation and reflection carried out by CRETDIC from Barcelona city and the psychosocial emergency team from the Consorcid’Educació de Barcelona (CEB) with the aim to contribute with elements and tools for prevention, detection and intervention when facing situations of risk or of autolytic acts in the educational institutions.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling