Assessment of the experience of the implementation of the word circles in the educational centers of the Neighborhood Plan of the city of Barcelona


  • Laia Mas-Expósito Research Department (Associació Centre d’Higiene Mental Les Corts)
  • Juan Antonio Amador Campos Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology. Institute of Neurosciences (Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Andrés di Masso Tarditi Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology (Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Rocío Casañas Sánchez Research Department (Associació Centre d’Higiene Mental Les Corts)
  • Lluís Lalucat-Jo Medical Directorate (Associació Centre d’Higiene Mental Les Corts)



School, Evaluation, Restorative practices, Word circles, Interpersonal relationships


The Emotional Care and Support Service of the educational centers of the Barcelona Neighborhood Plan is intended to promote a positive school climate and socio-emotional skills. The objective of this article is to explore the experience of its professionals in relation to the implementation of the one strategic line of the service, the word circles. Specifically, we explore its usefulness, the facilitators and barriers that have affected its implementation and future proposals that could help improve them. A qualitative descriptive study is carried out with two focus groups. The results show the usefulness of the word circles as they facilitate the knowledge of the other, allow the work of socio-emotional competencies and values. From the evaluation of the facilitators and barriers, it is highlighted the importance of the participation of the tutors, of flexibility in the implementation, the necessary training to carry them out, their fit with the objectives of the directors of the centers and of the local administrations, is highlighted, among others. This work allows to advance in the knowledge of word circles and their application in the school context. This knowledge is important to be able to redesign, adapt and improve the service strategic line and the service itself.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling