From the behavioral school to the reflective school
Violence, impossible, changes, authority, subjectivity, to listenAbstract
Teachers detect an increase of violent situations in schools. We wonder if this is not a consequence of the changes that have occurred in our society and the effects that these have on the reality of schools. What school, then, is best for these new times? The concept of authority is central on thinking about the impasses and problematic situations that arise. Is it a given or must it be earned? How does the learning process operate? How do you create the best conditions for this to happen? How can we bring back the idea of auctoritas? Educators often feel disoriented and respond in the best way they can, often out of the discomfort generated. The weight of bureaucracy and the lack of resources deepen the difficulties, so children labeled as “behavioral” are often responded as in a mirror with what we could call the “behavioral school.” It must be recognized that there are impossible things and that there are obviously no magic solutions. Attempts at answers must necessarily involve a deep reflection on how the institution itself works, including the work with each professional and what changes must be implemented, putting the students at the center. Positive experiences are those in which attentive listening and reflection prevail and that promote true dialogue, and that fundamentally avoid segregation. Those also in which educators can treat their discomfort.
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