Teaching within the Acompanya’m Educational Therapeutic Unit
Education, mental health, bonding, positive relationships, strategies and intensive measuresAbstract
In this article we will talk about our experience in teaching students who, as a result of their life, family and social situation, have developed different traumas that have led to some kind of mental health problem, and how we, through teaching, carry out interventions to help them and guide them to find joint solutions to their life situation so that they can become critical and autonomous people, typical of the century and the times in which we live. We will briefly cover how, through bonding, we can restructure the psyche slightly to help them to establish positive relationships with themselves, their family, their peers and society in general. We will also showcase different strategies that are useful to us when it comes to move on from the violence received by whatever means.
Diari oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC): Núm. 7477-19.10.2017
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Copyright (c) 2024 Laura Domínguez de Jésus, Oscar Mora Gombau
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