Violence seen as an opportunity for change and dignity
The testimony of the experience in an educational and therapeutic device: the integrated support classrooms (AIS)
Violence, dignity, inquiry, accompanying, opportunity, triangulation, conversation, integrated work, network, story, subject, play, contingency, consentAbstract
The experience transmitted is the testimony of the reflective practice carried out by the AIS professionals of the Gaudi Architect School. The work is approached with children where violence is often their calling card and makes them unsustainable in educational contexts. From our device, we propose to read and understand the different faces of violence that children manifest in the form of subjective discomfort. We interpret it as a demand to be watched, cared for, and accompanied, waiting to occupy a place of dignity in this world. With this work, we aim to understand the meaning of violent behaviour, translate it, and transform it into alternative ways of processingm discomfort, that favor the possibility of linking to learning environments. This task is proposed from an integrated educational and therapeutic work, guided by principles of intervention based on permanent inquiry and ethical position. Work that unfolds from the creation of different spaces of participation and trust with the student, the family, and the professionals that give rise to the expression and mutual listening of the voices, narratives, and initiatives. We want to give voice to the experience by presenting various vignettes that testify to this experience promoting learning, co-responsibility, and humility of all the agents.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mia Puig Rovira, Isaac Sbordone Retuerta, Jose Castillo Murillo, Esther Cárcel Ferrer
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