Whole school restorative approach. From theory to practice pilot development in Salvador Seguí institute


  • Mònica Albertí i Cortés Mediator and trainer
  • Olga Zabala Head of studies and teacher Institute Salvador Seguí


Whole restorative approach, School coexistence, Peace culture, Innovation


The objective of this paper is to inform about the development of the global restorative approach carried out at the Salvador Seguí Institute in Barcelona during the 2017-2018 academic year. The article starts with a brief theoretical introduction and a description of the current moment of the approach in Catalonia to later identify objectives and actions carried out in the implementation of the approach, including the training and awareness phase done during the 2016-2017 academic year, pointing out strengths and challenges. Some quantitative data are provided indicating that there has been a significant decrease in interventions in school coexistence and some final ideas are pointed out as facilitators of the development of the approach: the involvement of the management team, the connection with the tutorial action plan, the necessary evaluation and tracking the implementation with an expert.


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Professional practice