Educational transformation at Concepción Arenal School: a model of success and inclusion


  • Begonya Parés Tegido Headmaster of Escola Concepción Arenal. Barcelona
  • Xavier Campos Ripollès Head of studies of Escola Concepción Arenal. Barcelona



Educational transformation, co-teaching, full-time education model, promoting reading, educational equity


The educational transformation at the Concepción Arenal school, located in a highly socially complex neighbourhood in Barcelona, ​​exemplifies the successful implementation of inclusive and equitable pedagogical strategies.

Since 2013, the school has undergone a profound change, focusing on improving student academic results and social cohesion through a full-time education model. Key strategies include co-teaching, promoting reading and leadership by the management team to ensure quality activities beyond school hours, with the aim of reducing social inequalities among students. These efforts, combined with the implementation of actions to involve families in school life, such as creating spaces for participation of mothers and fathers in the classroom or calls for collaboration in different activities, have significantly improved academic performance and social cohesion. The results show an increase in family participation, a reduction in absenteeism and an improvement in the school's academic results, which exceed the average for Catalonia.

This article highlights the value of extended school hours and the role of community participation in achieving educational equity, and offers valuable insights for other schools across Europe facing similar socio-economic challenges.


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MONOGRAPHIC “Social function of the school. Equity and inclusion”.

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