Attention to diversity and educational innovation: perception of guidance in education professionals


  • Maribel Cano Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences and Sport Blanquerna. Ramon Llull University of Barcelona
  • Eva Liesa Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences and Sport Blanquerna. Ramon Llull University of Barcelona
  • Paula Mayoral Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences and Sport Blanquerna. Ramon Llull University of Barcelona


Attention to diversity, Orientation, Teachers, Psychopedagogical advice


This study analysed the degree of satisfaction of the teacher specialized in educational guidance regarding attention to diversity, the collaboration with the Team Counselling and Educational Psychology Guidance (EAP), and the aids provided by teachers to innovate and improve quality of teaching and learning. The participants were 59 educational guidance teachers from different schools the secondary education of Catalonia that answered a in Likert scale format questionnaire. The results indicated that teachers of educational guidance were satisfied with their cooperation regarding those measures of attention to diversity and collaboration with EAPs, but were less satisfied regarding their collaboration in promoting innovation processes and improving the quality of teaching and learning in schools.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling