Hyperactivity: a black mark in current times


  • Josep Amorós i Contra Psychologist. Educational Service for students with Specific Devolpment Disorders and Behaviour Problems. Barcelona


Hyperactivity, Body behaviour, information processing, Attention and subjectivisation, Digital natives / digital immigrants


Contemporary society is characterized in our cultural context, by speed and rushing, which leads to the fact that we do more things in less time, that is to say hyperactivity. This article analyses these factors and the effect new technology and internet have on the process of subjectivity, the perception of time and body, the sensitivity and the process of information. Hyperactivity is understood as having two meanings: as a symptom of feeling low which could be considered as a pathologic disorder, but also as the expression of a certain social function, and an approach to being part of the world. The relationship between hyperactivity as a symptom and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is also considered a fact that has led to controversy due to contrasting opinions among professionals of the field.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling