Cooperative learning, a methodology to improve inclusive learning and social cohesion*


  • Mercè Juan Millera Special Education Teacher and Director of the Camí del Mig school in Mataró (Barcelona). Research Group on Attention to Diversity (GRAD), University of Vic
  • Anna Oliveras Rovira Teacher of Primary Education and Head of studies of the Camí del Mig school in Mataró (Barcelona). Research Group on Attention to Diversity (GRAD), University of Vic


Our cooperative work project aims to improve learning and social cohesion. It is essential undertaking the task of generalizing and applying our work project to all levels of the educational center to produce a substantial change in our teaching way. In order to improve and spread cooperation, we intend to consolidate the planning, implementation and evaluation of classroom work, establishing models and leaving a written record of the activities.

* [The original of this article was published in Catalan in the  magazine Àmbits de Psicopedagogia núm 33, autumn 2011]





Professional practice