Can there be innovation without research? A proposal from the communities of inquiry


  • Eva Liesa Ramon Llull University. FPCEE Blanquerna. Research group SINTE-LEST (
  • Paula Mayoral Ramon Llull University. FPCEE Blanquerna. Research group SINTE-LEST (www.sinte-me)



Educational inquiry, Community of inquiry, Practice-based


Innovation, change and educational improvement should be promoted from schools through the creation of communities of inquiry. This article explains what is a community of inquiry and argued the need to promote collaboration between teachers to guarantee the sustainability of change. The master must be a professional who learn from teaching and must be developed in a context that turn it into a professional with skills for analyzing, understanding, propose and evaluate educational practices. These practices informed through their participation in communities of inquiry, in collaboration and cooperation with the rest of the teachers in processes led or accompanied by external agents and members of the management team of the centers. Finally, explain the phases of a cycle of inquiry as an opportunity for collaborative educational learning and it exemplifies the process of decision-making taken by a school.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling