A university experience of assessment in psycho pedagogy


  • Rosa Casellas Codina Educational psychologist. EAP del Gironès (Girona)
  • Lluís Espunya Danés Educational Psychologist. EAP del Gironès (Girona)


In this article we present an experience of assessment at the University carried out by members of the team of Assessment and Psycho pedagogical Orientation (EAP), during the process of implantation of the new university studies within the framework of the Bologna Plan.

The “EAP’s” has actively participated in previous exchanges in the LOGSE Education. The so called Bologna Plan is an opportunity for us to participate in a unique experience of psycho pedagogy in the University and gives us the opportunity to get to know and understand and interesting perspective of “all” the educational system, from Nursery School to University. This intervention in the “UdG” (University of Girona) is outlined as a process of attendance of the teaching staff of the nine Faculties of the University of Girona to share the following ideas: a guide in the process of planning and educational system, the necessity of incorporating methodology in the teaching of students, the change of roles between teacher amd student and the initiatives to continually improve the quality of teaching..


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Educational Psychology and Counselling