An accompanying strategy from Primary to Secondary: Case Construction


  • Esther Cárcel Ferrer Psychologist. Martorell EAP B.26 Educational Psychologist
  • Eugenio Díaz Massó Psychologist. Psychoanalyst. Director of the Social Area of the Cassià Just Foundation
  • Carme Rabadán Ruiz Clinical psychologist. Educational Psychologist. Director of secondary school of El Castell Esparreguera


This paper lies down the conditions of an experience about Case Construction as a transfer of information from Primary to Secondary School in Esparreguera. Cases of students with development and learning difficulties already identified in Primary School are discussed in order to guide the welcoming and attention at the institute. This essay sets a framework for collaboration and shared responsibility between various professional agencies: Education, Mental Health and Social Services. This type of work has the search for answers to subjects difficulties from an ethical position as a main objective. The effects of Case Construction on students and professionals are also being discussed.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling