The construction of social networks from the psychopedagocical intervention in the public school. Some perspectives of analysis


  • Joan Serra Capallera UdG Department of Psychology. Psychopedagogical advisor, EAP la Garrotxa


This article analyses both the conceptual and methodological changes that the social and cultural prospects create within the psychopedagogical intervention in the public school. Those changes concern the theoretical framework of identification, assessment and response, the approach to the understanding of the educational needs of the students, as well as the social character of the psychopedagogical intervention.

It goes towards an institutional and communitarian view of the educational needs of the population, making a special point on the interactions between the different educational and social systems and subsystems. The psychopedagogical intervention of the public school does not fall exclusively upon the school contexts: it also involves other fields of the community, ranging from a model based on "school intervention" to another based on "educational intervention".

From this approach the relationships of collaboration among professionals are analysed, including social workers as well as social and educational agents, starting from the construction of joint processes: construction of social networks of collaboration.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling

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