FEM CERCLES, CUIDEM LES RELACIONS evaluation of the impact of the training on the global restorative approach aimed at educational teams of the Neighborhood Plan of the city of Barcelona


  • Laia Mas-Expósito Research Department (Associació Centre d’Higiene Mental Les Corts
  • Mercè Triay Emotional Support and Attention Service (Fundació Privada Centre d’Higiene Mental Les Corts)
  • Mònica Albertí i Cortès Mediator and trainer of trainers specialized in restorative justice
  • Juan Antonio Amador Campos Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology. Institute of Neuroscience UBneuro (University of Barcelona)
  • Lluís Lalucat-Jo Medical Management(Associació Centre d’Higiene Mental Les Corts)




School; evaluation; coexistence; restorative practices; teacher training


The training Fem Cercles, Cuidem les Relacions  is a training in the whole school restorative apprach aimed at the educational teams of the Neighborhood Plan and carried out by the Emotional Support and Care Service. The aim of this article is to show the evaluation data of this training in terms of overall satisfaction, the change of perspective in relation to the management of relationships and conflict, and, finally, the transfer to classrooms and schools of proactive and responsive restorative processes. A post-training questionnaire was used to assess the impact of training on the professional environment and the change in mentality in relation to management of relationships and conflicts. 47 participants answered the questionnaire. In general, the results of the evaluation of the training show a high degree of satisfaction of the participants in relation to the training as well as a high degree of interest in its contents. The results also show a high level of transferability of the training contents to the classrooms including the practice of social and emotional skills as well as the methodologies included in the training. We expect the results of the evaluation of the training would allow having a strategy at the educational level aimed at improving cohesion and coexistence in the school classrooms and that it is reproducible and scalable.


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Professional practice