The other symptoms


  • Rosa Maria Belana Vallcaneras Inclusive Education Technique of the Services Education Department Territorials of Barcelona Comarcas



Mental health, Symptom, Link to learning


The article aims to address the need for a more collective approach to cases of adolescents who are in the process of improving their mental health. In this sense, the need for quality learning environments within the individual therapeutic plans in clinical settings is claimed in order to improve the healthy development of the personality of these young people. The importance of integrating the role of psycho educational teacher in those clinical teams that, as a therapeutic-clinical response, raise and believe in the need for a comprehensive approach to mental health problems in young people of compulsory school age is maintained. The right to education of those students who go through personal crisis processes and who express or not within appropriate behaviors, specific disorders or emotional distress is clearly defended. The aim is to show how learning and / or a suitable learning environment can generate symbolic structures of symbolic significance that favor the development of personal thinking and the desire to participate in constructive environments of collective thinking. The aim is to give value to education and learning as a factor in protecting people's mental health.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling