Home Educational Care as a meeting ground for fundamental rights
home educational care, mental health, fundamental rights, comprehensive therapeutic plan.Abstract
This article attempts to be an exercise in description and reflection of what Home Educational Care (AED) represents for students with mental or physical health needs. The AED is described as a territory of intersection of fundamental rights where the teachers in charge must be clear about their functions, what to do, how to do it and, above all, why. The article out lines two frameworks for home educational care, the legal one and the conceptual and/or ethic alone, also based on experience. It is also clear the importance of conducting studies that demonstrate the impact of comprehensive therapeutic plans from the different disciplines, especially in cases of mental health, where the fundamental right to educational support can be very limited, postponed or even removed in some cases, if there is no support from Home Educational Care (AED), Hospital Classroom (AH), Teaching Unit of the Adolescent Day Hospital (HdA) or Comprehensive Support Classroom (AIS).
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