Peer learning among teachers: teachers and schools learning from each other


  • David Duran Gisbert Faculty of Education Sciences. Aut`onoma University of Barcelona



Peer learning, Professional development,, Teacher education, Professional community, Networking of schools.


In the same way that we know that interaction between students can be organised to become learning opportunities, which we commonly refer to as peer learning, it is also possible to do so with teachers, so that –as in other professions– collaboration with colleagues enables teachers to learn from each other. Creating spaces for collaboration between teachers may generate peer learning experiences, which can be placed in the teachers’ daily work to foster professional development within their roles and daily actions. This paper reviews the peer learning scenarios and places teaching collaboration –and especially professional learning communities– as a mechanism for professional improvement. Co-teaching is discussed, understood as a direct teaching collaboration that allows co-teachers to learn from each other. Finally, networks connecting teachers from different schools to offer guidance and learning opportunities in the respective educational transformation processes are commented on.





Educational Psychology and Counselling