Maltreatment between students (I). Presentation of a questionnaire to evaluate peer relationships.

CESC - Class Behavior and Social Experiences


  • Jordi Collell EAP G.10 Selva sector B
  • Carme Escudé EAP G.05 Selva sector A


Peer harassment or bullying phenomenon claims the adult intervention. It is known that the bullying is a group process, and that success of the intervention is directly proportional to the concrete definition of each situation. In order to plan the action we need to know the weak points and the strong points of the peer group. In this work we present an instrument of evaluation of the relations between peers that identifies the pupils implied in bullying behaviors, the pupils who show a prosocial behavior, as well as the social status of each pupil in the group. The objective is furnish a tool that allows us to draw the relational map of the class in order to fit the intervention.






Educational Psychology and Counselling