Bullying: the necessity of a no blame approach


  • Jordi Collell Maestro y psicólogo
  • Carme Escudé Teacher and psychologist


Violence situations, specially those who are related to power abuse –like bullying- can wake up strong feelings of rejection in the intervention team. Feelings that translate to the agressor of explicit way or by means of the nonverbal language.

In these circumstances it is difficult involves the aggressor in the conflict resolution. In this paper, following the research of the professor Anatol Pikas –Uppsala University (Sweden)- we highlight that the cognitions and emotions of the intervention team in front of the children implied in and acute situation of bullying have determining role in the conflict resolution. It is essential that the intervention team takes and active not blaming position to: (1) involves the aggressor in the conflict resolution, (2) break the violence circle and not to practice “violence against the violent”, (3) counteract the effects of a possible manipulation in which the aggressor is presented as victim to us, and (4) solve the situation from a pedagogical and educational point of view in favour of all those implied.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling