Professional development through teacher learning networks: a review of key factors and a field experience analysis


  • Sara Escuin López Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • David Duran Gisbert Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona



professional development; teacher collaboration; peer learning; networking


The complexity of the current context imposes a set of challenges that education systems shall face to guarantee their quality. Professional development through networking is a promising initiative that enables the collaborative co-construction of knowledge between teachers from different schools with the aim to achieve educational quality and improvement objectives. Recent research has proved that implementing a teacher learning network is challenging and requires many variables to be considered, including support from administrations. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to provide knowledge about one of the gaps identified in current research: the analysis and description of factors that enables learning in teacher networks. A systematic review of networking experiences is carried out to identify the factors that make it successful. Then, the factors identified are used to analyse the Xarxa de Competències Bàsiques (Core Competences Network, in Catalan), which is a teacher learning network promoted by the Catalan Department of Education. This analysis allows to gather evidence from the research on the actions that Xarxa de Competències Bàsiques are developing and to draw lines of progress to continue working on its sustainability


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Educational Psychology and Counselling